Company Overview

Company OverviewAffiliated Companies

Matica biolabs

 Matica biolabs is a company focusing on R&D on immune cell therapies.
    It was established after CHA Biotech’s physical division of Basic Research Business and Biopharmaceutical
    CMO(Contract Manufacturing Organization) Business.


CMG Pharmaceuticals

 CMG Pharmaceuticals is a leading company that presents new growth model for the domestic pharmaceutical
    industry by utilizing CHA Medical Group’s global network and integrated R&D infrastructures.


CHA Vaccine Institute

 CHA Vaccine Institute is a R&D focused bio-venture company that develops new drugs for the prevention
    and treatment of infectious diseases. 


Seoul CRO

Seoul CRO implements full outsourcing services from clinical trial design to execution to outcome analysis.


CHA Meditech

 CHA Meditech is a medical device development company.
    In particular, its self-manufactured cosmetic fillers are being supplied to plastic surgery and dermatology
    clinics in Korea.


CHA Cares

CHA Cares provides customer-oriented total healthcare services including FM(Facility Management) service,
   call center service and human healthcare service.


CHA Healthcare

 CHA Healthcare is healthcare MSO(Management Service Organization) company.
    Based on its existing overseas hospitals in the US and Japan, it establishes and enhances medical service
    platform through additional acquisition, merger and alliance partnership.


Solidus Investment

 Solidus Investment is a venture capital firm founded by CHA Medical Group in June, 2011. It is a competitive
    company that discovers and invests fast-growing companies in next promising fields such as BT, griculture,
    Fisheries and Food, and IT.

CEO Message
Overseas Corporations
Affiliated Companies
Business Overview
Cord Blood Banking Business
Bio Insurance Business
CHAUM Business(Non-medical)
IT Business
Other Business
CHA Biotech R&D Center
R&D Pipeline
Current Status of Clinical Trials
Patent Grants (Korea/Overseas)
Scientific Publications
IR Presentations