Business Portfolio

Business PortfolioCord Blood Banking Business


iCORD(Cord Blood Bank)’s Proprietary Technology
CHA Biotech accumulates the top-notch technologies of stem cells, which are key areas of future medicine in the 21st century, by continually conducting integrated research on incurable disease, embryonic stem cell, and adult stem cell,
and developing related source technologies.
With its abundant clinical experiences and investigations, CHA Biotech is making a ‘healthy life of mankind’ a reality
through cord blood banking business, which is a key to regenerative medicine.

One Stop Bio∙Medical Complex System
CHA Biotech possess capability to perform one-stop service from Cord Blood Storage to Transplantation to Treatment through Industry-Academic-Research- Hospital Collaboration’ Cluster of CHA Medical Group.

Financial Stability
CHA Biotech has an overwhelming amount of consolidated total assets and is equipped with the largest cord blood
storage facility located at CHA Bio Complex among other family cord blood banks in Korea.


What is Cord Blood? A key to Regenerative Medicine?

    Mesenchymal Stem Cell
     Cells with ability to self-replicate, immune-control and differentiate into
       various human tissues including kidney, brain, nerve, and muscle
     Applied in clinical research of various incurable diseases and in the
      development of stem cell treatments


It is blood in the umbilical cord that fetus and mother are connected and a ‘life source’ that contains large amount of hematopoietic stem cells(immune cells) and mesenchymal stem cells.


Total Nucleated Cells(TNC) that are Separated, Processed,
    and Stored from Cord Blood

Hematopoietic Stem Cell
Mother cell that exists in cord blood, bone marrow, and peripheral blood,
   and produces blood cells(immune cells) through proliferation and differentiation
Transplantation used for various incurable diseases such as hematologic
   malignancies (diseases)

Cells with ability to resist, destroy, and heal cancer cells, toxins, and pathogens
   that have invaded in the body Types of Immunocytes: NK Cell, T Lymphocyte,     
   B Lymphocyte, etc.
Applied in development of 3rd generation cancer immunotherapies


Curable Diseases




Diseases currently in Clinical Trial

     Cerebral Palsy, Development Delay Disability,
       Type 1 Diabetes, Autism, etc.


Utility Value in Future

When the efficacy of cord blood is fully secured through many
   clinical trials according to future technological developments,
   Autologous or Family Cord Blood can be utilized as stem cell
   therapy or immunotherapy products for specific target diseases.

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CEO Message
Overseas Corporations
Affiliated Companies
Business Overview
Cord Blood Banking Business
Bio Insurance Business
CHAUM Business(Non-medical)
IT Business
Other Business
CHA Biotech R&D Center
R&D Pipeline
Current Status of Clinical Trials
Patent Grants (Korea/Overseas)
Scientific Publications
IR Presentations